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What The ability to read text accurately, at an appropriate pace, with prosody (phrasing, pausing, stress, and intonation).
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Why Fluency improves comprehension through the ability to recognize words automatically, accurately, and to read text with prosody. When students are able to identify words accurately and with automaticity, they can concentrate on comprehending the text rather than decoding words. Reading fluency makes possible silent reading comprehension.
How Grades K-2: Students need daily opportunities to hear text read aloud in a fluent, expressive manner.
Grade 1: Students should participate in daily guided repeated oral readings of familiar texts.
Grade 2: Students typically show the greatest amount of growth in reading fluency at this level. They need daily opportunities for repeated readings with corrective feedback.
Grade 3-5: Fluency continues to contribute to overall reading comprehension along with vocabulary and background knowledge. Students still need daily practice reading aloud with corrective feedback as texts become more complex.
Grade 6: Most student will not substantially increase oral reading fluency rate and accuracy beyond grade 6; however, they still need ample amounts of reading practice in a wide range of texts to ensure they don't fall behind.
(Torgeson et al., 2007)
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Fluency Materials JSD Fluency Development Lesson (FDL) Plan
Blast Fluency Routine
HD Word Fluency Routine
Fluency Rubric
Active Reading Strategies
Reading Rate Expectation by Grade Level

Letter Name/Sound Daily Routine (Intervention)
Fluency Practice with Fry Phrases
High Frequency and Irregularly Spelled Words Model For Teaching High Frequency Words
Heart Word Magic
K High-Frequency Word List
1st Grade Irregularly Spelled Word List
2nd Grade Irregularly Spelled Word List
Teacher Modeling Journeys Fluency Lessons can be found in teacher manual
1st Grade RGR Oral Reading Fluency
2nd Grade RGR Oral Reading Fluency
Shared Reading
Choral Reading
Paired Reading
Paired Reading Routine
Jobs Poster
Engagement Poster
Fluency Vocab Poster
Example Schedule
Student Grouping Form
Repeated Reading Timed Repeated Reading
Grades 2-3 Resources
Grades 4-5 Resources
Grades 6-8 Resources
Journeys Cold Reads (see below for links)
Reader's Theater Description
Reader's Theater for ELLs


Acadience Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring Login
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Level 1 Student Materials
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Level 2 Student Materials
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Level 3 Student Materials
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Level 4 Student Materials
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Level 5 Student Materials
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Level 6 Student Materials
Journeys Cold Reads 1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade

4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
High-Frequency and Irregularly Spelled Words RGR Sight Word Surveys
District Benchmarks K-2 Part 1, Number 1
Journeys Intervention Tool Kit Materials
Grades 1-3
Journeys Intervention Tool Kit Materials
Grades 4-6
Fluency Stage 1
Fluency Stage 2
Fluency Stage 3
Fluency Lessons (teacher)
Fluency Stories (student)

K & 1st Grade Research Based Fluency Activities
2nd & 3rd Grade Research Based Fluency Activities
4th & 5th Grade Research Based Fluency Activities

Any resource underneath "instruct" above can be used for intervention.

Extensions Teachers can use above grade-level text to challenge students' reading fluency.